G R E E N S C R E E N m a p
(beta 2 - 4.09 only)
by Michel S. Boonstra

This is a BETA-2 release of a green screen map I wanted to share with you. This may be useful tool for screen shot and video capture artists.
Beta 2 has a improvements and adds more workable angles.
DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.4shared.com/file/kd_eOime/IL2_Greenscreen_Beta2.htmlThis mod in fact contains two green screen maps; one for land based planes and one for water based planes.
These maps are accessible in the main menu -> net -> dogfight section -> mission type "Greenscreen" and in the FMB
(Full Mission Builder) so you can also edit the maps to your own wishes & needs.
if you have QMBProPALFull, both maps will be available as well in the quick mission selection. Easy does it, right?
The IL-2 game, patched to 4.09, modded.
Recommended, but not essential:
- Zuti's Friction mod
--> Copy the "MODS" and "Missions" folders into your IL-2 Sturmovik game folder
(click "yes" to overwrite if asked, although this mod does not alter any existing files (bar previous green screen files).
--> Browse to [your IL-2 Sturmovik folder] \MODS\MAPMODS\Maps
and open your all.ini (with notepad, if you are not sure) and add the two lines below:
Greenscreen Greenscreen/load.ini
Greenscreen_Water Greenscreen/load_w.ini
**** OPTIONAL: only if you have the "QMBProPALFull" mod installed:
--> Browse to "your IL-2 Sturmovik folder"\Quicks
and add the two lines below to your "QMBMaps.ini"
Best settings are time set to 12:00 and no clouds.
The distance haze at altitude is present, very annoying; I spend hours trying to figure out how to regulate this, or better, get rid of it but so far I haven't been able to do so.
So you are somewhat limited with the angles you can use. I will try my best to solve this in a future update.
This is work of an amateur. Use at your own risk, bla bla.. and don't point a loaded lawyer at me. My sole intention is to add a useful feature to your IL-2 game, that's all.
Wishing you happy shooting in the virtual skies.
EXAMPLES of work done with the help of the green screen map: